Wednesday, November 5, 2008

a marriage

so it's two in the morning and i should really be getting to sleep, but i just came across a pile of postcards i'd gathered from various art galleries this summer, and these were among them - how could i have forgotten? the images from this series, entitled "my bride and me" by qui zhen, haunted me for weeks. the self-portraits feel like they could be a twist on the Kierkegaardian knight of faith, with a princess who can never realize the love of the man she's bound to.
and the titles are brilliant - truly. if you have a moment you simply must watch this slide show.
i also found about ten billion other artists in the pile of postcards that i'm dying to talk about! but i will opt for saving them for a wiser hour and a later date.

1 comment:

jendar said...

im so glad to know that you have a blog! im in the process of writing a paper, but once im done i promise to read it.