Thursday, December 4, 2008

new favorite artist

I found this guy while flipping through Art Asia Pacific and I could not get over the visual impact of "Echoes-Infinity." The floor is covered with stenciled sand flower patterns, while the walls lay bare. Museum patrons walk through the room and inevitably smear and destroy the pristine shapes."there is the otherworldly sense of stepping out onto the surface of a paint-smattered canvas or a virtual board game of meticulously executed chromatic calligraphy."

Check out more of Shinji Ohmaki's works:


lia said...

this art reminds me of mandalas, which carl jung called "a representation of the unconscious self." when i first saw the unbelievable amount of work that went into the creation of a mandala, it actually became physically painful to watch the piece blow away or become destroyed. perhaps its my continual preoccupation with eternalizing art, the reason why i have an incredible love/hate relationship with instillation art.
if this is a representation of the artist's unconscious self, what is he saying?

(and please bless that at some point in my life i get to see it live)

lia said...

and please bless that i not make so many typos next time i try to type.